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Quick Spray Detail

Item #: DC1050-G
  • Sale
  • Regular price $39.95

Quick Spray Detail is perfect for removing light dust, fingerprints, excess chemical, bee pollen, blushing and any smudges on the vehicles paint, glass or metal surfaces. It can be used as a cleaner or shinning product on paint, wheel rims, glass and hard plastic surfaces. It's also great for your final detail wipe down after waxing or paint sealant application. Quick Spray Detail also provides a streak free,smear free, high shine finish. Great for final detail inspection and touch ups.

Tip: For best results, try removing Quick Spray Detail with's microfiber towels.

Directions: Shake contents thoroughly. Quick Spray Detail should be diluted 1:1. For best results spray a light mist of Quick Spray Detail onto the vehicles' painted surface and buff dry. Use a clean, dry microfiber towel. Quick Spray Detail is not recommended for any heavy duty cleaning. It is always best to work in small sections at a time. For best results use's premium microfiber towels.